Bonnie N. Collide
By Monica Gallagher
Normally I want to focus on Comic books rather than comic strips. Bonnie N. Collide is the exception that proves my reasons for this preference. It is hard to develop and expand a sense of space and motion in three to five panel chunks. You can see, here in her 72nd strip, Gallagher is challenging some of the spatially linear tendencies of the comic strip medium. It takes some dramatic shifting angle on single character in motion to set up the punch-line.
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Bonnie splits 90% of her time at here 9-5 job and 110% of her time at the roller derby. She goes careening through her life, on and off the derby track, in skates and roller gear. There is a great strip that explains the Roller Derby that you can skip to before digging into the story.
Bonnie's office is populated by the mundanely named Herb, Sherry, Barb, Greg, Carl and her love interest Stuart. Her 'off' hours are spent in grueling practices and bruising competition with the more colorfully named Hattie Hellfire, Mimi Madness, Mouthpiece Molly, Fresh Meat Fran and Agro Amelia. There is a playful unreality that normalizes Bonnie's office space derby antics. The rest of the office is more or less normal with the exception of Herb who is a werewolf with a file cabinet of meat. This is not a spoiler; you never see Herb with out hair sticking out of his button-down. The magical unreality of it is that nobody in the office is reasonably disturbed by this.
I have come to count on Gallagher for strong well rounded female roles. Bonnie takes her knocks; she has personal and competitive upsets but she always bounces back. This is kinda rare in light of some of the genre and the medium expectation of a romantic comic strip. Bonnie is a busy lady; she doesn't have time to sit around feeling sorry for herself.
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Part of the reason I felt I needed to review this strip is just how much enjoyment I have gotten out of Monica Gallagher's Bonnie N. Collide updates as well as her own blog. You can follow these for free but the hand made Bonnie and Lipstick & Malice collections are pretty cool. You can pick them up from her at her on-line store, as well as her auto-bio mini comics. I still have to read Middle School and Go For The Eyes but her other mini comics have been awesome. She had some great web content on her old web-site especially her Relentless Buzzing. She should be uploading it at some point and you can keep eye on her page here.
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